Our team members continue to invest their time and expertise in the building and stewardship of the Integrated Living Community association. We are proud to say that all of our Board members serve ILC on a voluntary basis.

Carina Seifert, Board Member
I am educated Cand. Scientist in geography and African studies from the University of Copenhagen. Since 1998, I have worked with public housing in DAB and in BL Denmark's public housing. It has taken me far and wide both on the map and in my work with many different themes and issues. I have dealt with all facets of the public sector from administration and operation of residential areas for resident democracy, housing social activities, community, sustainable initiatives, urban development and housing policy. In DAB, I have handled the task as director since 2015, the past three years with responsibility for development and strategic collaboration. I have learned that it is in the cooperation between municipalities, businesses, organizations and associations that the most difficult tasks are solved in the best possible way. When we can discuss challenges in a trusting dialogue between parties with vastly different knowledge and experience, we see them in a larger perspective and a wider context. In this way, it achieves knowledge sharing and creativity that provides the best solutions. As a board member of ILC, I will contribute with the knowledge I have from it work with public housing and residents, and use my experience for diversity as a catalyst for new perspectives and unconventional initiatives.

Søren Møllgaard Kristensen, Board Member
Background/about me: I am headmaster at Egmont Højskolen in my 4th year and director of Hou Søsportcenter, which ensures accessible holiday, experience and course opportunities for people and families with disabilities. I am a member of the Main Board of the Danish Handicap Association in my second year as an appointed representative from Bevica. I have a background as a trained carpenter/joiner and primary school teacher. Has been in the free school world for the past 20 years. 11 years as an after-school teacher, 5 years as an after-school principal and 4 years as a high school principal. Many years of experience from board work at educational institutions, in association life and the like. Why would you like to be a board member of the ILC association? Because I am keenly concerned with ensuring coexistence and interaction between people with very different lives, living conditions and opportunities with a special focus on people with disabilities. This applies both in relation to education and employment, as well as ways of living and living, on the grounds of dignity, authority and solidarity as well as strong, active and sustainable communities. What do you expect your special contribution as a board member to the ILC Association could be? I will make my experience and insight from my daily work as head of Egmont Højskolen available in building a new way of organizing an integrated life community, which is ILC's basic purpose. I will use my efforts to create and develop strong networks, collaborations and partnerships that will carry the project through to completion.

Jesper Holm, Board Member
My professional background I am an associate professor at RUC for almost 40 years with research into sustainable new practices and innovations in many areas as a subject: mainly construction/housing, residences for citizens with functional impairments and leading companies into more sustainable practices. Teaches students on health promotion and environment & planning (called teksam studies). I am a member of the DN board locally and two residence boards and engaged in inclusion in the adult area. Have an adult son with mental disabilities who lives in a residential home. Why would you like to be a board member of the ILC association!? Because I am good at networking and would like to help realize such a visionary idea for a larger group of citizens included in new forms of living communities. What do you expect your special contribution as a board member to the ILC Association could be? I will use my experiences and insights from many and many things in my research, teaching and network relations and can assist with applications and potential partnership contacts.

Philip Højgaard-Olsen, Board Member
I am a young man who is studying a professional bachelor's degree in social work. I was born and raised in Australia to Danish parents and have moved to Denmark because there are better opportunities for disability assistance, housing and work. Why would you like to be a board member of the ILC association!? As I have been involved from the start with this project as it is my father (Peter) who originally came up with the idea, I would like to continue to be a part of it. It sounds like a mega-cool project, and I would like to live in such a community, which just makes sense to ensure that it is as successful as possible. What do you expect your special contribution as a board member to the ILC Association could be? For the most part, I am very creative and very solution-oriented with a lot of experience in the handicap area, and since I am in the process of gaining some knowledge in the social work profession, I feel that I can probably contribute a lot. Also good at ping ponging ideas and very stubborn so you can count on me not giving up! As this is very new to being a board member, I am just ready for new challenges and will take them head

Annemarie Goldschmidt, Board Member
Born 1935: Mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, girlfriend, neighbor, neighbor, etc. Background: Nurse (1956), movement educator (Mensendieck, 1961), Professional Practicing Kinesiologist (1980 - ). For many years I have sat on and worked on various boards within my area of expertise as well as in the Network for Integrated Treatment Now: I continue to work in my own practice with clients of all ages who come with problems of a physical, emotional, mental and existential nature. Areas of interest: Helping people find, use and further develop their potential. Cooperation. Communication If there is a place I can fill on ILC's board, I would be happy to do so. If I am elected, I want my term of office to be 1 year.

Hans Carsten Hansen, Board Member
I am the founder and manager of Østagergård, which is an education, housing and employment offer for young people with special needs. I live in Jystrup, Midtsjælland, and have been married for forty years to Marianne. We have worked to build Østagergård as an educational center for young people with social and cognitive challenges. Today we are approx. 60 employees for 70 students and a turnover of just under 40 million. We are a social economic offer, like a free school, under the auspices of a foundation to which all profits go. We are approved by the social supervision with good comments, but are otherwise subject to the board as the governing body. The foundation was established in 1989 with the same basic idea, namely to create a particularly good environment for vulnerable young people for life skills and courage. Personally, I am a trained teacher and farmer with Grundtvig roots in the agricultural culture.

Peter Tøttrup, Board Member
Managing director of NLIR ApS, which manufactures infrared measuring instruments. 32 years of operating and investment experience in high-tech companies. Including a decade as a Venture Capital Partner in Danske Venture Partners and Seed Capital. 2 years' experience with social investments as a consultant assisting in the establishment of the Social Capital Fund and the execution of their first investment, as well as 5 years in their Advisory Board.

Anders Hørlück, Deputy Chairman
My background: Graduated Cand.Merc/CPH and Urban Fellow from Johns Hopkins University/Baltimore. 25 years of experience from a non-profit public housing organisation, primarily as department head. Last 2 years self-employed with consultancy within the construction & housing industry. Special expertise in: Operation & renovation, management, resident democracy and development projects. Why would you like to be a board member of the ILC association!? Because in Denmark there is a pronounced need for far more people to live in active and not least sustainable communities, where there is room for everyone who wants and can contribute. What do you expect your special contribution as a board member to the ILC Association could be? I will use my experiences and insights from the public housing industry combined with my ability to develop and create results in what I set out to do alone and together with others. Communication about ILC and the fantastic opportunities that will be available for the individual, the local community and the location municipality will be a central focal point to get off to a good start. And then the ILC association must have found several collaboration partners and funding sources quickly to get such a boost in the many activities that will be part of the initial work before the first ILC is ready. I expect to contribute to it all!

Michaeel Emborg, Chairman
Michaeel Emborg is a skilled professional with a strong background in innovation management and a passion for creating social and economic impact. As a board member of the Integrated Living Community (ILC) he brings a wealth of expertise in developing sustainable business models and promoting social inclusion. Michaeel currently serves as Prototype Manager at ROCKWOOL, a leading global supplier of innovative stone wool solutions. In this role, he has demonstrated a keen ability to identify and exploit new trends and opportunities, driving the company's growth and market competitiveness. Michaeel is deeply committed to making a difference in society and is particularly passionate about promoting social integration. He believes in the power of communities to create positive change and understands the importance of inclusive environments that foster cooperation and collaboration. As a board member of ILC, Michaeel aims to leverage his extensive experience in innovation management to develop a social and economic business model that generates sustainable profits while having a meaningful impact on the lives of ILC members. He envisions a model that attracts investment by demonstrating the potential for strong economic returns while promoting the goal of social inclusion. Michaeel's background in innovation management equips him with the skills necessary to develop and implement sustainable business models. He has a deep understanding of market dynamics, consumer trends and the importance of balancing profitability with social and environmental responsibility. His experience driving innovation within ROCKWOOL positions him well to identify innovative solutions and opportunities for ILC. Michaeel brings a valuable mix of business acumen, passion for social inclusion and expertise in sustainable business development.

Peter Højgaard-Olsen, Founder
After completing a M.Sc. at the Technical University of Denmark I migrated to Australia in July 1988. My passion is connecting innovative ideas with current commercial reality, to enable others improve their quality of life through business endeavours. To this end, I have been coaching and mentoring young people in business building and mentoring people with disability to be more fully integrated into their community. I have a successful track record developing strategic integral business relations through partnerships, working with large international businesses. On a personal level, I am a highly motivated individual and enjoy an active outdoor life. My wife and I have relocated from Australia to Denmark, as our youngest son with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has decided to live in Denmark. In addition to the enterprises I have co-founded, I also devote time and professional expertise to NGOs, Rotary and support the local community. I am a keen middle-distance runner and mountain biker. I carry the mission of entrepreneurship and moved it from a status/power/money framework to a social/responsible/inclusive position where the core is to make a ‘real’ difference in the world in my unique way.